As part of your fashion or as a main piece.
Due to the boom, sneakers have become a very popular fashion item in recent years.
However, since sneakers are constantly in contact with the ground, they are closely related to things that cause deterioration such as dirt and scratches , so it is important to know the proper way to store them in order to keep them in good condition.
If stored incorrectly, sneakers can undergo hydrolysis, fading, and damage, shortening their lifespan.
So what is the best way to store your sneakers to keep them looking beautiful for a long time?
Even if you have some knowledge of maintenance, such as "cleaning" = using a special cleaner, many people may not understand what "preservation" means.
For those people, this article will introduce basic storage methods and points to keep in mind to prevent your sneakers from deteriorating.
Please use this as a reference to ensure you can enjoy your favorite sneakers for a long time.
Reasons why sneakers deteriorate
First, let's understand what causes sneakers to deteriorate.
There are many factors that can cause deterioration, but here we will introduce three major ones.
We will explain how these factors affect sneakers, taking into account their relationship.
Moisture: Cause of hydrolysis

The biggest enemy of sneakers is moisture .
A well-known type of deterioration caused by moisture is hydrolysis, which causes the soles of sneakers to fall apart.
Sneakers often use materials such as urethane foam in the soles to provide cushioning and reduce weight, but small holes that are created during the manufacturing process of the urethane foam can allow moisture to get in and cause the material to deteriorate.
As a result, the sole may become tattered or the adhesive that attaches the sole to the body may deteriorate, causing the sole itself to peel off.
Humidity is also a cause of unpleasant odors in sneakers.
Just like damp laundry, moisture can cause bacteria to grow and produce an unpleasant odor that is difficult to get rid of.
Scratches and dirt accumulation: Causes of stubborn stains

Sneakers, which are always close to the ground, are inevitably prone to picking up small grains of sand and mud.
Dirt will lightly scratch the surface, and as it accumulates it will cause further scratches, eventually resulting in scratches and stains that cannot be removed even with a cleaner.
Also, if you leave mud or oil on mesh sneakers, the dirt can penetrate deep into the fabric or become fixed in the fabric itself, sometimes to the point where it becomes difficult for you to solve the problem on your own .
UV rays: Cause of fading

This is easy to see with white sneakers, but UV rays are the main cause of yellowing.
The strong energy of ultraviolet rays breaks down the dyes in sneakers, causing discoloration and leading to yellowing and fading.
We tend to think of ultraviolet rays as just direct sunlight, but in fact ultraviolet rays are also emitted from indoor lighting.
Therefore, even if stored indoors, yellowing and fading may occur, so care must be taken.
Preparation before practicing the sneaker storage method

The preparation before storage will have a big impact on how well your sneakers are preserved.
Proper preparation is necessary to prevent deterioration and maintain its beauty.
So what kind of preparations do you need to make? The answer is very simple: remove as much dirt as possible by cleaning.
Here are some tips to keep your sneakers in good condition.
Cleaning before storage is key
As explained in the section about the causes of deterioration of sneakers, sneakers worn outside are subject to many invisible factors that can cause deterioration, such as fine sand, mud, and moisture.
Whether it's dirt or moisture, there is a risk that it will become fixed in the sneakers if left unattended, so it is important to remove these causes as much as possible before storing them.
There are different methods that are suitable depending on the material of the sneakers, such as mesh, canvas, synthetic leather, nubuck, etc., so choose a cleaning method that suits the sneakers you want to keep.
After cleaning, dry thoroughly
You won't wash your sneakers completely, but using a cleaner will leave some moisture behind.
If you seal it or store it in a closed space immediately after cleaning, it will end up being trapped along with the thing you need to be most careful about: moisture .
Even if you have thoroughly cleaned the item, if you store it without completely removing moisture, all your work will be for nothing.
After cleaning, make sure to dry it completely in a well-ventilated place before storing it.
If you dry it in the sun, there is a risk of discoloration due to ultraviolet rays, so it is recommended to limit the time to 30 to 40 minutes.
How to properly store your sneakers

So far, we have explained the causes of deterioration and precautions to take when storing sneakers.
In this section, we will take these points into consideration and explain in detail the main focus of this article: the correct way to store sneakers.
After thorough cleaning and drying, the items are stored in the following order:
I will explain in detail.
Humidity Control
Even though I dried it thoroughly after cleaning, do I still have to take measures against moisture?
It's easy to think this way, but moisture is also present in the air indoors, so of course measures are necessary.
After cleaning and drying thoroughly, store your sneakers in a desiccant such as silica gel to maintain their dryness.
This will allow the desiccant to absorb moisture in the air , protecting your sneakers from moisture.
One thing to note is that the moisture absorbing effect of desiccants decreases over time, so they need to be replaced regularly.
For this reason, we recommend using a desiccant that is long-lasting and cost-effective.
Selecting items to save
- Desiccant
- Shoe keeper to prevent shoes from losing their shape
- Wrapping film to protect against dust and moisture
- A shoebox that can also be enjoyed as interior decoration
In addition to desiccants used to prevent moisture, there are also specialized items aimed at preservation, as mentioned above.
It's a good idea to choose the items you use to store the sneakers depending on how often you plan to wear them .
Some boxes and wrapping films are UV-resistant.
Even when stored indoors, discoloration can occur due to lighting, so if you want to prevent discoloration, it is recommended that you make good use of such items.
Selecting a storage location
As I gave as an example earlier, decide where to store the shoes based on how often you will wear them.
- Frequently worn items → box (or shoe rack) + desiccant
- Collection without wearing → Wrapping + Desiccant + Shoekeeper + Box
By using different storage methods for each pair of sneakers as described above, you can keep your sneakers in good condition without any hassle when wearing them.
One tip for those who don't want to wrap the item is to store it as high up as possible, as moisture tends to accumulate at the bottom.
Why storing your sneakers the right way is a must

In the previous section, we explained the main causes of deterioration of sneakers.
Taking all of this into consideration, when storing your sneakers, it is essential to store them in the right way to prevent them from deteriorating as much as possible.
There are two reasons for this.
Let me explain in detail what this means.
Not taking precautions will accelerate the deterioration of your sneakers.
Generally, sneakers are taken off and put on at the entrance.
Some people just leave them there, while others put them away in a shoe cupboard.
However, if you think about it, the entrance is a place where moisture tends to accumulate.
- The narrow space means there is not enough ventilation
- Keep wet umbrellas and shoes away
- Condensation on the door due to temperature difference with outside
The above is just one example, but even a little thought will reveal that this space tends to have more humidity, a major enemy of sneakers, than other places .
However, simply bringing it into the room without taking any precautions is not enough.
- Discoloration due to lighting or sunlight coming through windows
- Dust accumulation
- Transfer of everyday odors
As you can see, there are many factors that can cause your sneakers to deteriorate, even when worn indoors.
Resale value goes down
The rarer the sneakers, the more important it is that they are in pristine condition.
Even in the listings on resale sites, there are items with the condition listed as "near unused."
It's shocking that such rare sneakers are priced so low because they're in such poor condition and have deteriorated.
The closer to new the condition of the item is, the higher the resale value will be, so taking measures to prevent deterioration is a must, not only when it is worn but also when it is stored.
So far, we have explained the causes of deterioration of sneakers and why it is essential to store them correctly.
Now that we know what measures you need to take, we will move on to the next section, which is the main focus of this article, explaining the correct way to store your sneakers.
Recommended items for storing sneakers

Here are some items that will come in handy when storing your sneakers:
- cleaner
- Desiccant
- Wrapping Film
- Shoebox
Although these items share the same basic performance among products in the same genre, each product has its own unique characteristics.
There are standard products that can be used in any situation, as well as products for those who are particularly particular, so this time we will introduce the features of each KicksWrap product.
→This is a foam type cleaner, so it is easy to use and does not require water.
The fine foam gently removes dirt from your sneakers.
It is a standard type that can be used with a wide range of materials, so you will need just one.
→In addition to the performance of the standard type of Form Cleaner, the Premium version contains 3% hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the material.
It is ideal for preventing cracking of synthetic leather and for delicate materials such as brushed leather like nubuck.
Of course, it's not limited to sneakers; it has the same effect on any leather product you own, making it a premium shoe cleaner as its name suggests.
→Porous silica gel has many holes, allowing it to absorb more moisture.
In addition, the craft paper used in the container is punched, allowing the moisture absorption properties of the porous silica gel to be fully utilized.
Best of all, it costs just 200 yen per pair, so you can use the desiccant at a low cost.
Depending on the usage environment, its effectiveness can last for up to 18 months, making it an excellent value-for-money desiccant for sneakers.
Wrapping Film
→It has high transparency and the film strength is high, so it is possible to make sneakers look beautiful even when shrunk.
What makes it fundamentally different from other shrink films is that it has only one hole, at the toe, instead of the usual one in the entire film, which blocks outside air to the maximum extent possible, cutting out moisture, odors, dust, etc.
→The basic performance is the same as the standard model KicksWrap.
However, the Premium film is 0.03mm thick, which is 0.01mm thicker than the standard, making it stronger.
And the crucial difference is that it is equipped with UV protection.
It can block 90% of the UV rays emitted from lighting as well as sunlight,
This one sheet can protect against factors such as moisture, dust, odors, and sunburn.
→ By storing it in a box, you can protect it from dust and also from direct contact with odors and moisture.
What makes the Acrylic Case different from other shoe boxes is that it uses 3.5mm thick acrylic, giving it a sense of solidity and luxury.
Even at this thickness, it remains highly transparent and allows you to store your sneakers without compromising their appearance.
Furthermore, with a height of 21cm, it is possible to store an AJ1 US12 (30cm) upright.
In this article, we have explained the correct way to store sneakers.
Unfortunately, sneakers have a lifespan, and most of them wear out within 10 years of purchase.
In Japan's humid environment, it can even hydrolyze in about five years.
However, with proper maintenance and storage methods, you can slow down the deterioration of your sneakers and enjoy them for a longer period of time.
To be honest, it's undeniable that it takes a lot of work, but by taking good care of them, you will grow to love your favorite sneakers even more.
Please protect your sneakers from deterioration by storing them correctly.
That's all for this article.
Thank you for reading to the end.