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The third generation KicksWrap original outsole protection film prevents wear and dirt on the soles of your shoes.
"HEEL PLUS 3.0" and "Build Up Primer" are also included.

*Please note that some installation precautions differ from 2.0, so if you are installing for the first time, please be sure to read the how-to guide at the bottom of the product page.
*After applying the sticker, please refrain from running, standing on your toes, jumping, rubbing your toes, or wearing the sneakers on rainy or snowy days, as these may cause the sticker to peel off.
*Unusual walking techniques, such as shuffling, can cause the soles to peel off, so when walking, be sure to land on the ground with the center of your heel.
*When removing, peel slowly from the heel, being careful not to get glue on the sole of the shoe.
*If glue remains on the soles of your shoes, cover the area with tissue, spray it with nail polish remover or glue remover spray containing acetone, and once dry, wipe it with a towel to remove the glue. (If it does not come off in one go, repeat the process several times.)

Regular price ¥2,200
Regular price Sale price ¥2,200
Sale Sold out
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前作より1.5倍厚ののりを採用し、”HEEL PLUS 3.0”同様にのりの硬化を促進するKicksWrapオリジナルの"Build Up Primer”を附属によるW接着効果を実現。


“HEEL PLUS 3.0”のみの張り替えで長期間使用可

“HEEL PLUS 3.0”を1足分附属。ソールで最もすり減りやすいヒール部分を守ります。”HEEL PLUS 3.0”がすり減ったら別売の”HEEL PLUS 3.0”を張り替えることで、長期間ソールを守り続けることが可能です。*張り替え方法は当ページHOW TO動画をご確認ください。


多くのハイプ & 有名スニーカーに対応

下記可能に分類されているスニーカーで、ソール形状が似ているものであれば使用可。多くのスニーカーに対応可能です。【可能】平面部分が多い靴底:(例)NIKE AIR JORDAN 1,2,3,4,5,6,11,AIR FORCE 1,DUNK/一部Adidas/VANS/CONVERSE その他【不可】凹凸が多い靴底:(例)NIKE x Sacai LDWAFFLE,AIR MAX95 その他

Customer's Voices

How To Movie

SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 3.0 - KicksWrap®︎



The third generation KicksWrap original outsole protection film prevents wear and dirt on the soles of your shoes.
"HEEL PLUS 3.0" and "Build Up Primer" are also included.

*Please note that some installation precautions differ from 2.0, so if you are installing for the first time, please be sure to read the how-to guide at the bottom of the product page.
*After applying the sticker, please refrain from running, standing on your toes, jumping, rubbing your toes, or wearing the sneakers on rainy or snowy days, as these may cause the sticker to peel off.
*Unusual walking techniques, such as shuffling, can cause the soles to peel off, so when walking, be sure to land on the ground with the center of your heel.
*When removing, peel slowly from the heel, being careful not to get glue on the sole of the shoe.
*If glue remains on the soles of your shoes, cover the area with tissue, spray it with nail polish remover or glue remover spray containing acetone, and once dry, wipe it with a towel to remove the glue. (If it does not come off in one go, repeat the process several times.)

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