状態を見極めながら丁寧に...!お客様のオフホワAJ1をクリーニング&ラッピングレポート - KicksWrap®︎

While carefully assessing the condition...! Cle...

2017. It was around that time that the sneaker boom, which is now starting to calm down, started to take off. The rising star was everyone's favorite brand, NIKE. Whenever...

While carefully assessing the condition...! Cle...

2017. It was around that time that the sneaker boom, which is now starting to calm down, started to take off. The rising star was everyone's favorite brand, NIKE. Whenever...

21年前の激レアDUNKの潰れた起毛を蘇らせる...!お客様のハイネケンクリーニング&ラッピングレポート - KicksWrap®︎

Reviving the crushed nap of a super rare DUNK f...

At KicksWrap, we offer a Shoe Care Service where customers can request cleaning and installation of SOLE PLUS 3.0 on their behalf. Among them, we often receive models that we...

Reviving the crushed nap of a super rare DUNK f...

At KicksWrap, we offer a Shoe Care Service where customers can request cleaning and installation of SOLE PLUS 3.0 on their behalf. Among them, we often receive models that we...

ヌバックの黒ずみがヤバいDUNK…KicsWrapのオンラインクリーニングでここまで綺麗になります - KicksWrap®︎

The nubuck of this DUNK is so dark… but with Ki...

This time, we received the DUNK SB Low Premium ”Maple Leaf” from the online service. Since we can see discoloration (yellowing) on ​​the midsole due to aging, we requested the...

The nubuck of this DUNK is so dark… but with Ki...

This time, we received the DUNK SB Low Premium ”Maple Leaf” from the online service. Since we can see discoloration (yellowing) on ​​the midsole due to aging, we requested the...

激汚れ3000円BAPE STAをPremiumプランでどのぐらい綺麗になるか検証してみた! - KicksWrap®︎

We tested how well a very dirty 3,000 yen BAPE ...

In order to convey the charm of the Premium plan from the cleaning of KicksWrap, I would like to pull out the BAPE STA that was cut from the shoe...

We tested how well a very dirty 3,000 yen BAPE ...

In order to convey the charm of the Premium plan from the cleaning of KicksWrap, I would like to pull out the BAPE STA that was cut from the shoe...

AJ1×Travis “Reverse Mocha”資産価値を守るため、オプションメニューKicksWrap Premiumでラッピング! - KicksWrap®︎

AJ1 x Travis “Reverse Mocha” To protect your as...

This time, we received a request for wrapping with the Basic plan and option. The market price is now 17 to 18. It's a super hype sneaker. Air Jordan 1...

AJ1 x Travis “Reverse Mocha” To protect your as...

This time, we received a request for wrapping with the Basic plan and option. The market price is now 17 to 18. It's a super hype sneaker. Air Jordan 1...

加水分解寸前のスニーカーのクリーニング方法とは?Premiumプランでクリーニングさせて頂きました! - KicksWrap®︎

How do you clean sneakers that are on the verge...

993 is entrusted from the first New Balance. If I remember correctly, the 993 was sold only in the United States, and it is currently out of production, and the...

How do you clean sneakers that are on the verge...

993 is entrusted from the first New Balance. If I remember correctly, the 993 was sold only in the United States, and it is currently out of production, and the...