ラッピングが最適解!スニーカーを長く履くために辿り着いたヘッズの答えとは?【KicksWrapユーザーインタビュー】 - KicksWrap®︎

Wrapping is the best solution! What is the answer that heads have arrived at to make their sneakers last longer? [KicksWrap User Interview]

Taka was attracted to the deep history of sneakers.
Many users have likely seen the sneakers he wears to work in posts.
This time, we'll take a deeper look at his sneaker life and its relationship with KicksWrap products.


-Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Taka and I work in the automotive industry.

It's been about four years since I first became interested in sneakers. I liked them and started collecting them, but I didn't have many opportunities to wear them because I didn't have many days off, so I decided to wear different sneakers every day when I go to work.

Since I'm going to wear them anyway, I might as well post it on X, so I'm posting a picture of the sneakers I'm wearing under the title Today's Commute Sneakers.

-What made you become interested in sneakers?

Taka: Originally, I only had white and black Air Force 1 sneakers, but I wanted to get some unique sneakers, so I did some research and found a pair of Nike sneakers that caught my eye.

In particular, I became more and more interested in the history of the Air Jordan 1.

-How many pairs of sneakers do you own?

Taka-san: I first became interested in sneakers about four years ago, and now I own about 100 pairs. I've been cutting back on my purchases recently.

-What are your favorite sneakers and why?

taka: Air Jordan 1 High OG University Blue

When I started collecting sneakers, these were the first ones I purchased at a premium price on the secondary market.

It was love at first sight!

-What sneakers are your favorites and why?

taka: Air Jordan 1 High OG Stealth

These sneakers were released in the summer of 2022.

For some reason, I was really attracted to this color, so I bought three pairs - one to wear, one to keep and one as a spare - and I even gave one pair as a gift to a follower of X, making a total of four pairs, making these sneakers very memorable to me.

I still have two new pairs at home and every time I look at them I regret buying too many.

-How did you discover KicksWrap?

Taka: I often see it on social media and it has been on my mind.

-What was the first KicksWrap product you used and what made you decide to use it?

taka: Sneaker wrapping kit

As my collection of sneakers has increased, I wanted to protect the ones I wasn't wearing from deterioration and hydrolysis, so I did some research and found the answer was wrapping, so I decided to give KickSwrap's products a try.

*We are currently not selling gift wrapping kits.

-Can you tell us what is good about this product?

Taka: It comes with a wrap and a hand sealer, and there are videos on YouTube and elsewhere on how to use it to start wrapping right away. It was explained in detail and very easy to understand.

-Can you tell us all the KicksWrap products you have used?


  • Wrapping Kit

  • Easy shoelaces

  • Air insole

  • The Best Insole

  • Shoe bag

  • Utility Brush

  • Shoe care kit↓

  • Cleaning Liquid

  • Cleaning brush

  • Microfiber towel

  • Compact Bowl

  • Cleaning Wipes

  • Cream for leather sneakers

  • Mouton Mitts

  • Waterproof Spray

As for the waterproof spray, I gave it to one of X's followers as a birthday present.

What is your favorite KicksWrap product and why?

taka: Easy shoelaces

I like the high-cut Air Jordan 1 and wear them often, but the difficulty is getting them on and off. I tried out the Easy Shoelace and found that it was easy to put on and take off, had just the right amount of tightness to improve comfort, and also had tips at the end of the shoelace, which was a big plus.

-Why did you choose and continue to use KicksWrap?

Taka: As mentioned above, I have used multiple products.

It has great functionality and performance, and since it's a HOW-TO video it's easy to understand how to use it, and the design of each product is stylish and black-based.

-How did you learn to use KicksWrap?

Taka: I learned by watching and listening to YouTube videos showing how it is actually used.

-Can you tell us what you like about using KicksWrap?

Taka: If you value and care for your sneakers, then having KickSlap products will satisfy all your needs.

-What are your thoughts on your future relationship with KicksWrap?

Taka: I plan to continue using Kickstrap products as long as I keep wearing sneakers, so I look forward to your continued support.


Listening to Taka-san's story, I realized that just having a HOW TO video can make a difference in the resolution of the product. I also had the bitter experience of getting stains on my sneakers when I tried shoe care as an amateur. I would like to continue to listen to the voices of our users and improve the quality of shoe care.