定価買い命…!知人に影響されスニーカーコレクターになった背景とは?【KicksWrapユーザーインタビュー】 - KicksWrap®︎

Buying at retail price is key…! How did he become a sneaker collector after being influenced by an acquaintance? [KicksWrap User Interview]

Taasan discovered his interest as a collector after being introduced to them by an acquaintance.
We took a deep look at his impressive, well-kept collection and the KicksWrap products that support his sneaker life.

-Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Taa@SneakerUncle.

I mainly post about sneakers on Instagram and X.

I currently work in the construction industry as a construction manager, but I still buy my favorite sneakers at list price, within the limits of my pocket money.

-What made you become interested in sneakers?

Taa-san: I wasn't originally interested in sneakers, but a colleague told me about Nike.com's "by you" and ordered some. After doing some research, I found out that there were sneakers in a wide variety of colors and that they were sold by lottery. I've been participating in lottery sales ever since, and it's been five years since then.

Before I knew it, my hobby had become buying sneakers, wrapping them in shrink film, and displaying them for admiration.

-How many pairs of sneakers do you own?

Taa-san: I currently have about 70 pairs. If you include the ones I've given away to friends and given as gifts, I have about 80 pairs.

-What are your favorite sneakers and why?

Taasan :

・Air more uptempo

The design, comfort, and visual impact (AIR logo) are irresistible.

・Air Jordan 1

I fell in love with the design after seeing shadow2.0.

-What sneakers are your favorites and why?


air jordan1 retro high og shadow2.0.

This is the first pair of Jordan 1 High I bought after winning it in an Atoms lottery.

・air jordan 1 retro high og royal reimagined

I met a custom YouTuber at the Nagoya Snikon and asked him to customize my sneakers twice. This is the second pair of sneakers I made, with a reverse swoosh. It got a lot of attention on social media, so it's a memorable pair and one of my favorites.

・Air Jordan 2 Chicago

My first Jordan 2 was in Chicago and I won a lottery at Atmos and bought it. My wife's Chicago pair was in an outlet and there was only one pair, so it was a miracle pair that we found and bought by chance.

-What was the first KicksWrap product you used and what made you decide to use it?

①Form Cleaner

②Foam Shoe Care Kit

③Deodorant Shoe Keeper

④The Best Insole

When I started to worry about stains on my sneakers, I watched YouTube, Instagram and X, and what made me decide to buy it was how easy it is to use and how easy it is to clean without using water.

As for the sole, the cushioning of the Air Jordan 1 didn't fit very well and I got tired when walking, so when I saw one of my Instagram followers using these and got some advice, I decided to buy them.

-Can you tell us all the KicksWrap products you have used?

①Form Cleaner

②Foam Shoe Care Kit

③Air Insole

④Deodorant Shoe Keeper

⑤The Best Insole

-Can you tell us what is good about this product?


・The Best Insole

I really like the stimulation on the arch of my foot. The cushioning is also excellent, and I feel less tired even when I walk a lot around the outlets and in the city.

・Air Insole

They are highly breathable, so they don't get stuffy as much as standard insoles even when walking a lot, and they also have good cushioning, so I think they are comfortable to wear.

What is your favorite KicksWrap product and why?


・Foam Cleaner

I like that it easily removes dirt without using water and leaves the leather feeling nice and moist even after cleaning.

-Why did you choose and continue to use KicksWrap?

Taa-san: The response from purchase to shipping is good, the cleaner is easy to use so even an amateur can clean them, and the insoles are comfortable so I use them.

In the end, the one I purchased has good performance so I am using it.

-How did you discover KicksWrap?

Taasan: You Tube, X , Instagram.

-How did you learn to use KicksWrap?
Taa-san: I followed the instructions on YouTube and tried it on some old sneakers before using it on my favorite sneakers.

-Can you tell us what you like about using KicksWrap?

Taa-san: It's just for my own satisfaction, but I was happy to receive reactions and comments on my post. The explanations in the video were easy to understand, so I'll continue to use Kicks Wrap products in the future.

-What are your thoughts on your future relationship with KicksWrap?
Taa-san: I would like to continue using the cleaner and insoles. I am also thinking of purchasing the HEEL PLUS 3.0 next time.

Taa @ Sneaker Uncle

Taasan got hooked on sneakers from a trivial incident. I also went from just wearing shoes to collecting them as a hobby, but maybe sneakers have a mysterious charm that can change people. After hearing his story, I wanted another pair of sneakers.