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Outsole Protective Film 2.0 protects the entire sole from abrasion and dirt by simply cutting and pasting without the need for a heat gun.

*If you are applying for the first time, please be sure to read the how-to at the bottom of the product page.
*Please refrain from running, standing on your toes, jumping, rubbing your toes, or wearing them in rain or snow after applying them, as this may cause the sneakers to come off.
*A special way of walking such as shuffling may cause peeling, so please be aware of landing on the ground from the center of the heel when walking.
*When removing, slowly peel off from the heel carefully so that no glue adheres to the sole.
*If glue remains on the sole, cover the remaining glue with a tissue, apply nail polish remover containing acetone or glue remover spray, and when dry, wipe with a towel to remove the glue. (If you can't get it in one try, repeat several times.)

Regular price ¥1,980
Regular price Sale price ¥1,980
Sale Sold out
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Product Detail


靴底全体のすり減りや汚れを守るソールプロテクター2.0。靴底のすり減りで資産性の減少が気になるあなたの大切なプレミアスニーカーも、SOLE PLUS 2.0を貼ることで気兼ねなく履くことが可能となります。

貼り付け簡単 & 大幅値下げを実現



付属のHEEL PLUSをSOLE PLUS 2.0フィルムを貼り付けた上からヒール部分に貼ることで、旧版と比較してヒール部分の耐久力が500%UP。消耗したHEEL PLUSのみの交換も可能です。

Customer's Review

SOLE PLUS 2.0 施工方法

SOLE PLUS 2.0の正しい貼り付け方とは?(テキスト版)

SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎
SOLE PLUS 2.0 - KicksWrap®︎



Outsole Protective Film 2.0 protects the entire sole from abrasion and dirt by simply cutting and pasting without the need for a heat gun.

*If you are applying for the first time, please be sure to read the how-to at the bottom of the product page.
*Please refrain from running, standing on your toes, jumping, rubbing your toes, or wearing them in rain or snow after applying them, as this may cause the sneakers to come off.
*A special way of walking such as shuffling may cause peeling, so please be aware of landing on the ground from the center of the heel when walking.
*When removing, slowly peel off from the heel carefully so that no glue adheres to the sole.
*If glue remains on the sole, cover the remaining glue with a tissue, apply nail polish remover containing acetone or glue remover spray, and when dry, wipe with a towel to remove the glue. (If you can't get it in one try, repeat several times.)

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